Permanent Sculptures



Here we see strength and agility embodied in a species bounced back from the brink of extinction to flourish again in the American wild. This life-size bald eagle has a wing-span of 6’ 4”. Each wing consists of over 150 knives, 100 spoons, and 50 forks.

Gary Hovey
New Knoxville, Ohio
Best of Show
Sponsor's Choice
For Which it Stands

For Which it Stands

James Haire
Fort Collins, Colorado
Let Freedom Ring

Let Freedom Ring

James Haire
Fort Collins, Colorado
People's Choice
Hangin Out

Hangin Out

I love crows. They are smart, strong and resourceful. They also form strong family bonds and work together for the benefit of all. We could all learn from observing them.

This family of crows will be perched on top of a 7’ hi inverted pyramid. They are peering over the edge looking at us people below just as the viewers are peering up at them. Both groups are observing and studying each other. I like the interplay between the viewers and the sculpture.

Judd Nelson
Wayzata, Minnesota
Flag with Pole Protector

Flag with Pole Protector

Charles Yost
Chicago, Illinois
The Neighborhood

The Neighborhood

“Trees provide shelter, food, entertainment, beauty, and so much more. They are amazing living organisms that are a whole neighborhood for wildlife while being vital parts of our neighborhoods.”

Gary Hovey
New Knoxville, Ohio
Best of Show
People's Choice
Seats Taken

Seats Taken

Gregory Mendez
Decatur, Indiana
Mayor's Choice
Sublime Transcendence

Sublime Transcendence

Gregory Mendez
Decatur, Indiana
Blessed Mother

Blessed Mother

Commissioned by the St. Mary of the Assumption 175 commissioned by the St. Mary of the Assumption 175 Celebration committee

Neil Wiffill/ Gregory Mendez
Undetermined Impact

Undetermined Impact

Matt Miller
Cape Girardeau, Missouri


Nathan Pierce
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Scouting a Plan for the Future

Scouting a Plan for the Future

James Haire
Fort Collins, Colorado
The Stealthy Heron

The Stealthy Heron

Gary Hovey
New Knoxville, Ohio
Committee Choice


Gregory Mendez
Decatur, Indiana


Gregory Mendez
Decatur, Indiana
The Peace Monument

The Peace Monument

An ornate cenotaph with a heroic female representing Peace, on the front, and a relief panel on the rear. Stylized eagles decorate the upper corners of the cenotaph. The female stands in proper left profile dressed in armor, her hair upswept in a bun. She holds a United States shield with her proper left hand, in front of her. The bottom of the shield rests on the ground at her feet. Her full-length garment drapes over the projecting base on which she stands. Her proper right arm is outstretched, resting on a laurel twig on top of four furled flags that rest horizontally across the top center of the cenotaph. A sword in scabbard is strapped to her proper left side and hangs behind the shield.

The rear of the cenotaph contains a high relief featuring a battlefield nurse treating a wounded soldier. Below the relief is a deep trough that once served as a basin for the fountain. A tablet formed from metal taken from the battleship Maine also appears on the rear side of the cenotaph. Around the base of the sculpture is a curved bench. The sculpture is mounted upon a long, stepped base. Stone plant pedestals are placed on top of the base in front of the cenotaph on either side of the female figure.

Charles J. Mulligan (1896-1916)
Best Friends

Best Friends

"Best Friends" was donated in memory of Doyle and Sara Lu Collier by their children, Richard (Nancy) Collier, David (Sandra) Collier, and Cindy (John) Painter. The sculpture depicts a boy and girl reading together on a bench. All three children wanted to honor their parents for their commitment to education and share their own message about the importance of reading and learning with the Decatur community.

Randolph Rose Collection
Decatur, IN
St. Joseph the Worker

St. Joseph the Worker

Unknown Artist


In honor of grandmother Judy Hebble & the church's 175 year celebration

Gregory Mendez
Decatur, Indiana
It Must Be a Good Book

It Must Be a Good Book

Metal figures of a young girl and boy atop an oversized concrete book. The girl is reading a book that has her attention to the point of acting it out. Up on her tip toes she swings her arms displaying her excitement about the story. It looks like she has forgotten about her beloved stuffed bunny she always keeps with her.

The boy is seated facing the girl and listens attentively to the story. At certain angles the viewer can see through the figures, but from a distance the figures seem solid. A closer look will reveal that the figures are composed of hundreds of individual steel pieces --flat bars and round stocks that have been cut, bent, welded, and ground to refine a specific area.

The figures are painted to retain their metallic qualities using silvers with hints of coppers and bronzes. The girl's dress is brightly colored pink, and the boy’s hat has a hint of blue. The sculpture was commissioned by the Adams Public Library System in memory of Dianne Linn, longtime library patron, former staff member, and friend of the Library. From early stages in design through installation this sculpture took just over three months to complete. The concrete base constructed in the form of a book was donated by the Hitchcock Concrete Company.

Gregory Mendez
Decatur, Indiana
St. Mary of the Assumption

St. Mary of the Assumption

Architectural sculpture on the church facade includes a full-length figure of Mary, and two relief panels. Mary is placed above church entrance canopy, depicted as an ascending figure, hands clasped in prayer. She wears a head covering, layered garments and sandals. A round window forms a halo around her head.

Beneath the entrance canopy are two relief panels. The right panel depicts the Annunciation. A kneeling angel, in proper right profile, faces Mary who is standing. There is a lily stem in the upper right corner of the panel and a dove in the upper left corner. The left relief panel may depict the Magnificat, where Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, meets Mary. Both figures extend their hands to each other in greeting.

In the upper right corner of the left relief is a lamb. In the lower left corner is a Chi-rho monogram. Edward Sculte, architect; Fagan Stone Company, fabricator.

Edward Sculte, architect


Unknown Artist


Dedicated in memory of Arthur Hurst.

Ralph Hurst
Decatur, Indiana
Dancing Ibis

Dancing Ibis

Dedicated in memory of Carl Hurst.

Ralph Hurst
Decatur, Indiana
The Loved

The Loved

Dedicated in memory of Vernon Hurst.

Ralph Hurst
Decatur, Indiana
Strong Heart II

Strong Heart II

Curtis Rose
Decatur, Indiana
Mobi [Library Cat]

Mobi [Library Cat]

Donated by the artist.

Curtis Rose
Decatur, Indiana
To Bee or Not to Bee

To Bee or Not to Bee

What’s all the buzzzz about?

Alex Mendez
Decatur, Indiana
People's Choice


Alex Mendez
Decatur, Indiana
Cat With Attitude

Cat With Attitude

“The inspiration for this sculpture was provided by all the stray neighborhood cats that would visit at night. This is a representation of how they react upon seeing us.”

Greg Summers
Fremont, IN
People's Choice
Blessed Mother

Blessed Mother

Gregory Mendez
Decatur, Indiana
All Heart

All Heart

In memory of Matthew Gorman

Gregory Mendez
Decatur, Indiana
Rise and Fall

Rise and Fall

As we move through life there are paths we can choose that help us climb to the top but if we make a wrong move we might get sent backwards.  The good thing about set-backs is that it gives us a chance to climb back up, taking a different path and experiencing new opportunities along the way.

Dale Compton
Kasota, MN
Committee Choice

Titanium Sponsors

Adams County Community Foundation
Arts United / Indiana Arts Commission
Indiana Arts Commission
Porter Family Foundation

Platinum Sponsors

City of Decatur
Decatur Arts Commission
Hoosier Pattern Inc

Gold Sponsors

Adams Memorial Hospital
Adams Public Library System (In Kind
Ambassador Enterprises
Berne Ready Mix
Complete Printing Service
John Brune Digital Video
Terry & Anita Myers