It Must Be a Good Book
Metal figures of a young girl and boy atop an oversized concrete book.
The girl is reading a book that has her attention to the point of acting
it out. Up on her tip toes she swings her arms displaying her
excitement about the story. It looks like she has forgotten about her
beloved stuffed bunny she always keeps with her.
The boy is seated
facing the girl and listens attentively to the story. At certain angles
the viewer can see through the figures, but from a distance the figures
seem solid. A closer look will reveal that the figures are composed of
hundreds of individual steel pieces --flat bars and round stocks that
have been cut, bent, welded, and ground to refine a specific area.
figures are painted to retain their metallic qualities using silvers
with hints of coppers and bronzes. The girl's dress is brightly colored
pink, and the boy’s hat has a hint of blue. The sculpture was
commissioned by the Adams Public Library System in memory of Dianne
Linn, longtime library patron, former staff member, and friend of the
Library. From early stages in design through installation this sculpture
took just over three months to complete. The concrete base constructed
in the form of a book was donated by the Hitchcock Concrete Company.