Benjamin Pierce

Ben Pierce lives and works in rural Southeast Missouri, where he was born and raised. The son of a brick layer, Pierce learned traditional values, honesty, and how to work with his hands. Pierce served four years in the US Navy, a place that reinforced the idea of sacrifice and dedication. Graduating from Southeast Missouri State University with a Bachelors of Fine Arts, Pierce found a direction to focus his skills as a sculptor, creator, and artist.

"My work has always been inspired by architecture, and recently I have found a profound importance in the natural world. Namely, plants and the way they grow and react to sunlight. There is so much inspiration and beauty in nature, Using this inspiration has added a fluidity to my artwork and a softness that I am really excited about exploring. The theme of a circle is a recurring subject in my work. As a symbol it can mean infinity- no beginning or end, as a wedding ring- a symbol of eternal love. Circles can also enclose and frame space- this fascinates me."

Benjamin Pierce Logo

Artist's Website

Cape Girardeau, Missouri


Keep it Together - 2023

“Keep it together”, that is what bricklaying did for my family for at least 3 generations. This sculpture pays homage to that history going back to my Great grandfather Lloyd, who during the prohibition was imprisoned for bootlegging alcohol. During his years in prison he was taught a trade to help him get a job and make money [a legal way] when he got out. However, while he was incarcerated his children were separated into foster homes. Upon getting out he began to lay bricks to earn money. And he was only able to get his eldest son (my grandfather) back. Later my grandfather Vic, worked with his father and eventually took over the business. My grandfather was able to make a living laying bricks, enough to raise a family of his own. Both of his sons at one time worked with him as hod carriers, but it was his middle son Steve (my father) who took up the business and raised his family making a living this way. So, for 3 generations the redemptive skills learned back in the 1920’s were passed on from father to son etc… allowing each generation to raise a family and “keep it together”. I even worked for a year as my father’s hod carrier. I would have been the 4th generation- but I had another calling…

The two pieces share an angle of their roofline. One could look and think it is a house “split apart”, and in some ways it is. Another view is a comment on housing trends: Bricks are permanent and have no maintenance, and people choose to cover them up with other siding materials or paint (which requires maintenance). So the bricked faces seem to be exposed from underneath the exterior facade of inferior products- in some kind of irony.

Thank you for taking time to read this.

Something From Nothing - 2022

Through - 2021

“This sculpture embodies all of the different ways we attempt to battle it or just cope with mental illness.   Each attempt may not be successful - However, through trial and error or a combination of these efforts you can get through it. If you struggle with depression: DO NOT GIVE UP. ”

Beginnings - 2020

This sculpture abstractly captures the moment a seed bursts open with the new life that lies within-- marking the beginning of something new and full of potential.

beginnings - 2019

This sculpture abstractly captures the moment a seed bursts open with the new life that lies within-- marking the beginning of something new and full of potential.

Here Comes The Sunset - 2018

This sculpture is inspired by nature and the growth of a young seedling. At this early stage of development, the small plant reaches towards the sun as it uncoils (it almost appears to dance if you ever watch this in time lapse). These early moments are so beautiful, but often overlooked or missed.

Focus - 2017

wounded - 2016

"The use of diagonal lines create an unbalance/tension and the oculus is a focal point which engages peoples focus. Hopefully you will see something otherwise missed through my sculpture."

Propensity - 2015

Closer Separation - 2014

Growing Up - 2013

Lineage - 2012

Titanium Sponsors

Adams County Community Foundation
Arts United / Indiana Arts Commission
Indiana Arts Commission
Porter Family Foundation

Platinum Sponsors

City of Decatur
Decatur Arts Commission
Hoosier Pattern Inc

Gold Sponsors

Adams Memorial Hospital
Adams Public Library System (In Kind
Ambassador Enterprises
Berne Ready Mix
Complete Printing Service
John Brune Digital Video
Terry & Anita Myers